Shop high quality physical therapy lapel pins for PT students and assistant. All our physical therapy pins are available in bulk.

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gold caduceus lapel pin

Caduceus Pin – Gold

Medicine and the medical profession have been represented throughout history by the caduceus symbol. Acknowledge and reward students, graduates, and medical professionals with our Gold Caduceus lapel pin. Also view our Silver Caduceus Pin

You’re a Star Pin

You’re a Star pin can be used in various ways to acknowledge people. It is also a part of our Dollar & Sense Program. This program is used specifically for awarding students who keep up with their student loan requirements. We’ve created a gold Dollar Sign pin, Happy Dollar pin and our You’re a Star pin, which are used in a number of different programs as a general or even a specific award. Either of the first two Dollars & Sense pins can be awarded at the end of the month or semester, and the final award for earning all possible Dollars & Sense pins is the final You’re a Star pin. These pins are in high demand, but we’ve made them especially inexpensive for you. Reward and acknowledge someone with our You’re a Star lapel pin.

fitness trainer lapel pin

Fitness Training Pin

Fitness is not about being better than someone else…it’s about being better than you used to be. Motivate and acknowledge friends, patients, customers, staff and co-workers with our Fitness Training lapel pin.

PT physical therapy assistant lapel pin

Physical Therapist Assistant Pin

Physical therapist assistants (sometimes called PTAs) help patients who are recovering from injuries and illnesses regain movement and manage pain. The demand for Physical therapists assistants is increasing with the growing rates of chronic conditions. Acknowledge, reward, and say thank you to graduates, staff, and co-workers with our Physical Therapist Assistant lapel pin.